Raja Ampat is one of the districts in the province of West Papua, Indonesia. Capital city is located in Waisai.
This district has 610 islands. Four of them, namely Pulau Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo, the larger islands. Of the whole island is only 35 islands are inhabited while the islands are uninhabited and mostly do not have a name.
As the islands, the only inter-island transportation and supporting community activities Raja Ampat is the ocean freight. Similarly to reach Waisai, the district capital. When using the aircraft, first to the city of Sorong. After that, the trip from Sorong to Waisai followed by sea transport. Facilities available are fast boats with a capacity of 10, 15 or 30 people. At a cost of about Rp. 2 million, Waisai can be reached within 1.5 to 2 hours.
Historically, in the Raja Ampat Islands, there are four traditional kingdoms, each of which is the kingdom Waigeo, with his power base in Wewayai, Waigeo island; Salawati kingdom, the center of power in Samate, North Salawati island; kingdom Sailolof the center of power in Sailolof, island South Salawati, and the kingdom Misol, the center of power in Lilinta, Misol island.Some tourists seemed engrossed in eating and chatting casually, looking out to sea the color of predominantly blue, green, and white. The colors that appear due to the influence of coral reefs in the shallow sea floor and inside. They were enjoying lunch at Papua Diving Resort, the waters of West Irian Jaya f.
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Sunday, 27 May 2012
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Aceh which was originally held by the Commander Meurah Johansyah called Atjih / Aceh Darussalam (1205-1959) once referred to hereinafter as the Aceh Special Region (1959-2001) and Aceh (2001-2009) and became the province of Aceh (2009 -now) is the westernmost province in Indonesia. Aceh has the autonomy to set its own, unlike most other provinces in Indonesia, for historical reasons. The area is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in southeast and south.
Aceh is the capital of Banda Aceh. Its port is Malahayati-Krueng Raya, Ulee Lheue, Sabang, Lhokseumawe and Langsa. Aceh is the region worst hit by the earthquake and tsunami of December 26, 2004. Some places on the coast destroyed. The hardest was Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Jaya, West Aceh, and Simeulue Singkil.
Aceh has a wealth of natural resources such as petroleum and natural gas. Resources were located in North Aceh and East Aceh. Aceh is also famous for its forest resources, which are located along Bukit Barisan range, from Kutacane, Southeast Aceh, Seulawah, Aceh Besar, until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park, the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) are also found in Southeast Aceh. Sultan first and make a name (Atjih Darussalam) in the enhanced spelling (Aceh Darussalam) was appointed Commander of Meurah Johansyah became King of Aceh,
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Etymologically the word comes from the Portuguese Riau, Rio means river. In 1514 there was a Portuguese military expedition tracing the Siak River, with the aim to find the location of an empire which they believed to exist in the region, and at the same time pursuing followers of Sultan Mahmud Shah who fled after the fall of Malacca.
At the beginning of the 16th century, Tome Pires in his Suma Oriental noted that the cities on the east coast of Sumatra between Arcat (Aru and Rokan) to Jambi is a port of the kings of Minangkabau. inipula many days of Minangkabau businessmen who founded the village- village traders along the Siak River, Kampar, Rokan, and Inderagiri. One of the most famous village is Senapelan which later evolved into Pekanbaru.
In the heyday of the Sultanate of Siak Sri Inderapura which was founded by King Small, this region is part of the sovereign territory of Siak. Meanwhile, the Riau referred only to the Yang Dipertuan Muda (the king's subordinates Johor) Penyengat Island, later became the Residentie Riouw Dutch East Indies government, located in Tanjung Pinang, and Riouw, spelled by the local community to Riau.
At the beginning of the independence of Indonesia, the Sultanate of Siak Sri Inderapura and Residentie Riouw melted and incorporated in the province of Sumatra, based in London. Sumatra then expanded into three provinces, namely North Sumatra, Central Sumatra and South Sumatra. Minangkabau ethnic dominance in the government of the Central Sumatra, Riau public demand to form a separate province.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
South Sumatra province of Indonesia is one located in the southern part of Sumatra Island. The province had its capital at Palembang. Geographically the South Sumatera province borders the province of Jambi in the northern province of Kep. Bangka-Billiton in the eastern province of Lampung in the south and west of Bengkulu province. The province is rich in natural resources such as oil, natural gas and coal. Besides South Sumatra provincial capital, Palembang, has been famous since ancient as the center of the kingdom of Srivijaya.
In addition, the province has many attractive tourist destinations to visit like the Musi River, the Ampera Bridge, Kemaro Island, Lake Ranau, Pagaralam City and others. Because since the first has been the center of trade, indirectly influence the culture of its people. Typical food of this province are as varied as pempek, model, tekwan, pindang catfish, pindang bone, sambal jokjok, berengkes and tempoyak.South Sumatera province since centuries ago also known as the Earth Sriwijaya; in the 7th century until the 12th century AD the region was the center of the kingdom of Srivijaya which is also famous for its maritime empire of the largest and strongest in the nation. Echo and its influence even to Madagascar in the African Continent.
Since the 13th century until the 14th century, the region is under the control of Majapahit. Furthermore this region was once a no man's land of pirates and breeding Abroad mainly from China.
At the beginning of the 15th century Palembang Sultanate's ruling stood until the advent of Western colonialism, followed by Japan.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Pacific Islands Islands province is a province in Indonesia, which consists of two major islands, the island of Bangka and Billiton Island and minor islands such as P. Lepar, P. Pongok, P. Mendanau and P. Strait of Nasik, who has been named the island total amount to 470 pieces and only 50 islands are inhabited. Pacific Islands are located in the eastern part of Sumatra island, close to South Sumatra Province. Pacific Islands known as the tin-producing area, has beautiful beaches and inter-ethnic harmony. This provincial capital is Pangkalpinang. The provincial government was promulgated on February 9, 2001. After the inauguration Pj. Governor of the H. Amur Muchasim, SH (former Secretary General of Ministry of Home Affairs), which marks the start of the activity of the provincial government wheels.
Bangka Strait separates the island of Sumatra and Bangka Island, while the Gaspar Strait separates the island of Bangka and Billiton Island. In the northern part of this province are the South China Sea, the southern part of the Java Sea and the island of Borneo in the east which is separated from the island of Billiton by Karimata Strait.
Previously the province of the Pacific Islands Islands is part of South Sumatra, but being alone with Banten province and Gorontalo in 2000. Pacific Islands Islands Province was established based on Law Number 27 Year 2000 on the establishment of the Pacific Islands Province Islands on 21 November 2000 which consisted of Bangka regency, regency and city Pangkalpinang Islands.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Lombok is a province in Indonesia. As the name implies, it covers the western province of Nusa Tenggara islands. The two largest islands in the province is located in western Lombok and Sumbawa are located in the east. This provincial capital is located in the city of Mataram Lombok.
Most of the population are from ethnic Sasak Lombok, Bima and Sumbawa while the tribe is the largest ethnic group in the island of Sumbawa. The majority of the population is Muslim West Nusa Tenggara (96%).Later, when the Kingdom was led by King Rangkesari, Prapen Prince, son of Sunan Giri came to Islamize the kingdom of the Queen of Lombok. Lombok is mentioned in the Chronicle, this effort is the Islamization of Raden Paku or Sunan Giri Queen of coarse sand, Surabaya who commanded the kings of East Java and Palembang to spread Islam to the different areas of the archipelago.
"Queen Susuhnii Giri ordered the new faith spread to all corners. Dilembu Manku Rat sent with troops to Banjarmasin, Datu Bandan sent to the Macassar, Tidore, Seram and Galeier and His Majesty's son, Prince Prapen to Bali, Lombok and Sumbawa. Prapen first sailing to Lombok, where by force of arms he forced people to convert to Islam. After completing the task, Prapen sailing to Sumbawa and Bima. However, during the absence, because women still adhere to Pagan beliefs, the people of Lombok back to the pagan ideology. After his victory in Sumbawa and Bhima, Prapen back and assisted by Raden Raden Sumuliya and Salut, he set a new missionary movement achieved success this time.
East Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia is a located in southeastern Indonesia. The province consists of several islands, among others, Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor, Lembata, Rote, Sabu, Adonara, Solor, Komodo and Palue. Its capital is located in Kupang, West Timor.
The province consists of approximately 550 islands, the three main islands of East Nusa Tenggara are Flores, Sumba and West Timor.
The province occupies the western part of Timor island. While the eastern part of the island is that the former province of Indonesia-27, which is an independent East Timor to East Timor in 2002.Meaning of the symbol of East Nusa Tenggara District are as follows:
Shield-shaped with five angles with a view, in addition to symbolizing the protection of the people also symbolizes the meaning of Pancasila.
In the shield terBerkas: stars, dragons, rice and cotton, spears and banyan trees.
Stars symbolize the majesty of God Almighty, the Komodo dragon (hooligan) is the only prehistoric reptile is still sustainable.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Papua is the largest province of Indonesia, located in the center of the island of Papua or the eastern part of West New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Eastern parts of the country of Papua New Guinea or East New Guinea.
Endemic birds of Papua
Papua province first covers the western part of Papua, so often referred to as West Papua, especially by the Free Papua Movement (OPM), a separatist movement to secede from Indonesia and form their own country. In the reign of the colonial Dutch East Indies, the area known as Dutch New Guinea (Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea or Dutch New Guinea). After being joined by the Republic of Indonesia of Indonesia, the area known as West Irian Province from 1969 to 1973. His name was later changed to Irian Jaya by Soeharto inaugurated at the Freeport copper and gold mine, the name still used officially until 2002.
Name was changed to Papua province according to Law no. 21 of 2001 on Special Autonomy. In 2003, accompanied by various protests (merger of Eastern Papua and Central Papua), Papua is divided into two provinces by the government of Indonesia; the eastern part of Papua while still using the name of the west into the province of West Irian Jaya (West Papua a year later).
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Maluku or internationally known as the Moluccas is one of the oldest provinces in Indonesia. The capital is Ambon. In 1999, parts of Maluku province expanded into North Maluku province, with its capital in Sofifi. Maluku province composed of islands known as the Moluccan Islands.Maluku ethnic race was dominated by the Pacific Melanesian tribes who are allied with Fiji, Tonga and some of the islands scattered in the Pacific Ocean islands.
Much stronger evidence that refers to the Maluku has ties with the traditions of the Pacific island nations, such as language, folk songs, food, household appliances and devices and instruments typical, example: Ukulele (which are also in the cultural traditions of Hawaii).
They generally have dark skin, curly hair, big bones and a strong framework and a more athletic body profile compared with other ethnic groups in Indonesia, because they are ethnic islands where marine activities such as sailing and swimming are major activities for men.
Since ancient times, many of those who already have blood mixed with other tribes, tribal marriage with Minahasa, Sumatra, Java, Madura, and even most of the Europeans (mainly the Netherlands and Portugal) and the Arab nation, India is very unusual given this area has mastered a foreign nation for 2300 years and gave birth to new offspring offspring, which are not purely Melanesian race again.
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Sulawesi (or long term in English: Celebes) is an island in the Indonesian territory that lies between the island of Borneo and the Maluku Islands. With an area of 174 600 km ², the island of Sulawesi is the world's 11th largest. In Indonesia only Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua wider than the Sulawesi region, while the population only in terms of Java and Sumatra is greater than the population of Sulawesi.Sulawesi's name is derived from the stake is estimated (the island) and iron, which may refer to the iron ore trade practices produced mines located around Lake Matano, near Sorowako, East Luwu. [1] While the Portuguese were the first foreign nation to use Celebes names to refer to Sulawesi.ulawesi is the fourth largest island in Indonesia after Papua, Kalimantan and Sumatra with a land area of 174.6 thousand square kilometers. The unique shape resembles a spider rose or a large letter K that stretches from north to south and three peninsula that stretches to the northeast, east and southeast. The island is bounded by the Strait of Makassar in the west and separated from Borneo and the Maluku Islands are separated also from the Maluku Sea. Sulawesi is bordered on the west by Borneo, the Philippines in the north, south Flores, Timor and the Moluccas in the south east.
Kalimantan (toponyms: is the world's third largest island located in the northern island of Java and the west of the island of Sulawesi. island of Borneo is divided into regions of Brunei, Indonesia (two thirds) and Malaysia (one third). island of Borneo known by the nickname "Island of a Thousand Rivers" because many rivers in this island.
In ancient times, Borneo - which comes from the name of the sultanate of Brunei - is the name used by the colonial British and the Dutch to call this island as a whole, while Kalimantan is the name used by the inhabitants of the island's eastern region that now includes parts of Indonesia. [6] [7] the northern region of this island (Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak) in the Indonesian language formerly known as North Borneo, but in terms of North Borneo is now the northern part of East Kalimantan.
In a broad sense "Borneo" covers the entire island is also known as Borneo, while in the narrow sense refers only Kalimantan region of Indonesia.The origins of the name of Borneo are not so clear. Kelamantan term used to describe a group in Sarawak who ate sago population in the north of the island. According Crowfurd, said Kalimantan is the name of a type of mango (Mangifera) so that the island of Borneo is the island of mango, but he added that the word does not smell of fairy tales and popular. Local mango called klemantan this until now widely available in rural areas and surrounding Ketapang, West Kalimantan.
"Sumatra" redirects here. For other uses of Sumatra, see Sumatra (disambiguation).
Sumatra Sumatra Topography.png
Topography of the island of Sumatra
Location of Southeast Asia
Coordinates 0 ° 00 'N 102 ° 00' E
Great Sunda Islands Islands
Area of 470 000 km ²
The highest altitude of 3805 m
The highest peak of Kerinci
Aceh province, Bengkulu, Jambi, Lampung, Riau, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, Riau Islands
Medan's largest city (pop. 3,418,645 (2009))
Population 45 million (per 2005)
Density 96/km ²
Ethnic groups of Aceh, Batak, Minangkabau, Malay, Rejang
Sumatra or Sumatra is the world's sixth largest island located in Indonesia, with an area of 443,065.8 km2. Island population is about 42,409,510 people (2000). The island is also known by other names, namely Pulau Percha, Andalas, or Suwarnadwipa (Sanskrit, meaning "golden island"). Later in the year 1286 inscription carved Padang Roco swarnnabhūmi (Sanskrit, means "golden land") and Bhumi Proto ("Land of Malay") to refer to this island. Further in the text Negarakertagama of the 14th century is also re-called "Earth Malay" (Melayu) to the island.Origin of the name of Sumatra originated from the existence of the Indian Empire (located on the east coast of Aceh). Begins with a visit Ibn Battuta, the Moroccan adventurers into the country in 1345, he pronounced the word became Samatrah Ocean, and then to Sumatra or Sumatra, then the name is listed in the maps made in the 16th century the Portuguese, to be referred to the island , so it came to be known widely until now .
The original name of Sumatra, as recorded in historical sources and folklore, is the "Island of Gold".
Monday, 23 April 2012
Special Region of Yogyakarta Special Region-level is the province in Indonesia that includes (the State) of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta and the [State] Duchy Paku Alaman. Special Region of Yogyakarta is located in the southern central part of Java and Central Java province bordering the Indian Ocean. Special Region has an area of 3185.80 km2 consists of one city and four counties, which are subdivided into 78 subdistricts and 438 villages / wards. According to the 2010 census had a population of 3.45239 million souls to the proportion of 1,705,404 men and 1,746,986 women, and has a population density of 1084 inhabitants per km2 .
The mention of Yogyakarta nomenclature that is too long causes the frequent occurrence of condensation nomenkaltur into DI Yogyakarta, or DIY. This Special Region of Yogyakarta is often identified with the city so incorrectly called Jogja, Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta. Despite having the second smallest area after the Province of Jakarta Special Region is renowned nationally and internationally.
Bali is the name of a province in Indonesia and also the name of the largest islands that are part of the province. In addition consists of the island of Bali, Bali Province is also composed of islands surrounding a smaller, namely the island of Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan Island, the island and the island of Nusa Ceningan attack.
Bali lies between Java and Lombok Island. Denpasar is the provincial capital located on the southern island. The majority of Balinese are Hindu. In the world, Bali is famous as a tourist destination with a unique variety of art-culture, especially for the Japanese, and Australia. Bali is also known as Thousand Island Island of the Gods and temples.The first inhabitants of the island of Bali is expected to come in 3000-2500 BCE who migrated from Asia. [4] Remains of the stone tools were found in the village Cekik located in the western part of the island. [5] Age of prehistory and ending with the arrival of Hinduism and written language Sanskrit from India in 100 BC. [citation needed]
Balinese culture and then got a strong influence of Indian culture process is faster after the 1st century AD. Balidwipa name (Bali island) began to be found in various inscriptions, including inscriptions Blanjong issued by Sri Kesari Warmadewa in 913 AD and mentioning the word Walidwipa. Estimated at about this time that irrigation system subak was developed for rice cultivation. Some religious and cultural traditions also began to develop at that time. Kingdom of Majapahit (1293-1500 AD) who are Hindu and centered on the island of Java, had founded the kingdom of subordinates in Bali around the year 1343 AD It was almost throughout the country are Hindus, but as the coming of Islam stood the Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago,

Republic of Indonesia Indonesia is the abbreviated RI or country in Southeast Asia, which is crossed by the equator and located between the continents of Asia and Australia as well as between the Pacific and Indian Ocean. Indonesia is the world's largest archipelagic country consisting of 13 487 islands , therefore it is also known as Nusantara ("outer islands", in addition to Java, which is considered the center). With a population of 222 million people in 2006, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the largest Muslim country in the world, although not officially an Islamic state. Indonesia is a republic form of government, the House of Representatives, Regional Representative Council and the President is elected directly. Capital city is Jakarta. Indonesia borders Malaysia on Borneo island, with Papua New Guinea on New Guinea and East Timor on the island of Timor. Other neighboring countries include Singapore, the Philippines, Australia, and the territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India.
History of Indonesia is heavily influenced by other nations. Indonesia archipelago became an important trade region since at least the 7th century, when the kingdom of Palembang Srivijaya in religion and trade relations with China and India. Hindu kingdoms and Buddhism has been growing in the early centuries AD, followed by the traders who brought Islam, and various European powers fought each other to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. Having been under Dutch rule, Indonesia which was called the Dutch East Indies declared its independence at the end of World War II. Indonesia's history has many obstacles, threats and challenges of natural disasters, corruption, separatism, a democratization process and a period of rapid economic change.
From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia consists of various ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. The Javanese are the largest ethnic group and most politically dominant. Indonesia's national motto, "Unity in Diversity" ("It varies, but remains one"), articulates the diversity that shapes the country.
SUM 41
Sum 41 is band coming from Ajax, Ontario, Canadian. Initially Sum 41 formed by Deryck Whibley ( vowel, guitar) and Steve Jocz ( drum) representing friend during SMA. Name of Sum 41 selected by because this band is formed by 41 day before summer ( summer). Third member entering is Dave Baksh ( guitar), and last is Jason Mccaslin ( bass) in the year 1999 after have time to flit bass player. They is first album merilis of them in the year 2000 entitling Half Hour Power of below/under Island Record lable.First manager of them is Greig Nori, Treble Charger vokalis. Deryck ask Greig Nori to become Sum manager 41. Greig Nori have a notion that Deryck is a child which is very have ambition to become rock star. Most Sum song 41 written by Deryck, some written by Stevo, written by song is Stevo like Pain Pleasure for ( All Killer No Filler) and Ma Poubelle ( Underclass Hero) usually is just for humour. Stevo have said in Exposed, Much Music, without our Deryck only band playing others song
In the year 2004, Sum 41 visiting Republic Demokratik Congo where happened yg civil war represent fourth album inspiration of them, Chuck. Name of Chuck got from Chuck Pelletier, a A.U.N saving their life when them in Congo. At 12 harder October Chuck dirilis album by ear and [there] no humor again in it. First Single of nya " We'Re All To Blame" what more metal heard than punk followed " Pieces" peace song which enter Top Chart in Canada and Some Say" yg singel only dirilis in Canada at the same time with " No Reason" its video yg there's only in US and Europe
In July year 2006, Deryck menikah with Avril Lavigne, which have betrothed one previous year.
Dream Theater is one of the metal progressive grup most notable in world in this time. Founded by Mica Portnoy, John Petrucci and John Myung, they have merilis eight studio album, four live record and one short album ( EP). First Album of them, When Dream And Day Unite recorded with Charlie Dominici as Kevin Moore and vokalis as keyboards player. Dominici have Age to much older than other member and wish to play other music, so that he later;then go out from grup. They later;then look for ideal substitution during 2 year to the last come in contact with James Labrie, Canadian vokalis [pass/through] audition
With their Labrie record Images And Words lobing the name of them to overall international with hit " Pull Me Under" and " Another Day". Awake is last album of them with Moore which is later;then replaced by Derek Sherinian for the album of Falling Into Infinity. In the end Sherinian is also replaced by Jordan Rudess and this formation still stay until today. But before year-end 2010, the Mica Portnoy drummer set mind on exit from this band, which [is] later;then replaced by mangini mica after passing audition 7 super drummer of world. They have launched album conception Metropolis 2: Scenes From A Memory and double album of Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence. In the year 2003 them set mind on to record Train Of Thought non-konsep album is which is very influenced by metal thrash grup like Metallica. Their Album which entitle Octavarium released on 7 June 2005 and besides representing eight studio album also contain eight song. After Dream Theater launch their Live album in commemorating 20 Dream Theater year formed entitling recorded Score on 1 April 2006 in Radio City Music Hall,Us. They again stand by to launch album the ninth them by bringing new record lable flag that is Roadrunner Records, they have containing Systematic Chaos album 8 song and will be launched on 5 June 2007 in Their newest US.ALBUM " Dramatic A of Turn Of Events" tilled with new drummer of them, launched by at mid 2011, with first hits " On The Back Of Angels".
characteristic Writing of song
Some technique writing of unique song have been [done/conducted] by Dream Theater, what is most happened in a period of/to - a period of/to now, when they is experiment can with themselves record lable
Started with Train Thought of, Dream Theater have started to [enter/include] element - occult and small element in their music, and load the the element to more fanatical enthusiast. most famous characteristic ( which is is ordinary to be referred as " nugget") occult in " The Name God of In", representing to encode morse from " balls and ass my eat" ( eat my bottom and my penis), which represent word - famous word from Mica Portnoy. After the time/date of that, many enthusiast - Dream Theater enthusiast set up shop to find matter - graceless small matter usually to ordinary enthusiast
Some from their famous technique is including
Voice from fonograf in suffix from " Finally Free" in Scenes Memory a from album is same voice in prefix " The Glass Prison" in next album, Six Degrees Inner Turbulence of. And last Suffix key in " General Ace I" is equal to used by key in album hereinafter, Of Thought Train. Also, played by piano note in suffix " The Name God of In" in ' Of Thought Train is note which is is equal to opening " The Root All Evil of" in next album, Octavarium
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Travis Landon Barker was born the name
Originally Fontana, California
Genre Pop-Punk
punk Rock
Instrument? Drum, Keyboard
Years active 1994-present
The Aquabats related artists
Blink 182
Box Car Racer
expensive Taste
The Transplants
The Suicide Machine
Travis Landon Barker (born 14 November 1975; age 36 years) is an American drummer. His name is well known after becoming the drummer for pop-punk group Blink 182, but now he's playing to +44. Barker also played for several bands such as Box Car Racer, The Transplants, Expensive Taste, The Suicide Machines, and The Aquabats.
After the disbanding of his first band, Feeble, Barker began playing for The Aquabats in 1996 and known as The Baron Von Tito. He recorded one album with them, The Fury of the Aquabats!, In 1997. Then he resigned from the Aquabats, and he joined the pop punk band Blink-182 in 1998. Barker became known for his mohawk and his tendency hair shirtless at maen drum, and reveals a lot of tattoos. Barker has since established himself as a drummer who is very successful, producing and creating a "remix" the drums of various musical genres such as hip-hop, alternative rock, pop and country. He has gained significant acceptance within the hip-hop community in particular and often working with musicians to put together a "rock-remix" colored their songs.Travis Barker was born dikeluarga Randy and Gloria Barker in Fontana, California, located in San Bernardino County. Barker grown in high-crime areas, where his father worked as a mechanic and his mother as babysister. Barker began playing drums at age 4 even though he did not become serious about it until about age 12.
Tom DeLonge
Birth name Thomas Matthew DeLonge Jr.. Born December 13, 1975 (age 36) Flag of the United States Poway, California Genre Punk rock, pop punk, skate punk, alternative rock, space rock, neo-progressive rock, hardcore punk, post-hardcore, post punk musician job, songwriter, record producer, film producer Instruments guitar, vocals, bass Years active 1992-present Label DGC, Interscope, Geffen, Suretone, MCA, Grilled Cheese, Cargo Music, Kung Fu Related Artists Blink-182, Angels & Airwaves, Box Car Racer Special Instruments Gibson Tom DeLonge Signature ES-333 Gibson Les Paul [1] Tom DeLonge Stratocaster Fender Stratocaster Jr. Thomas Matthew DeLonge. (Born December 13, 1975, age 36 years) or better known as Tom DeLonge, is a musician from the United States. DeLonge is widely regarded as one of the guitarist and lead singer of pop punk band Blink-182 as well as guitarist and lead singer of alternative band Angels & Airwaves. He was also a guitarist and vocalist of alternative band Box Car Racer. Growing up in Poway, California, DeLonge found interest in punk rock music as a teenager. Once expelled from Poway High School for being drunk in a basketball game, he attended Rancho Bernardo High School where he met Anne Hoppus. Anne then introduced his brother DeLonge, Mark Hoppus, who have similar interests in music. DeLonge then introduced Mark to Scott Raynor.
Mark Hoppus
Markus Allen Hoppus (born in Ridgecrest, California, March 15, 1972, age 40 years) are musicians who form the American punk rock band, Blink-182, and the alternative rock band, +44. He played bass in the band.
When Mark was 15 years old, he got his first bass as a birthday gift from his father. Mark learned bass by way of self-taught. In August 1992, Mark's sister named Anne introduced him to Tom DeLonge.
In 1992, Mark and Tom met with Scott Raynor. Then they all agreed to create a music group called Blink-182.In 1996, Scott Raynor disease caused by drinking. Scott had to get out of the Blink-182 to undergo rehabilitation. Scott came out in 1997 after the Blink-182 released the album Dude Ranch.
In 1997, Blink-182 touring with The Aquabats. There they met with Travis Barker, drummer for The Aquabats. They offer Travis to be a drummer in the band span> Blink-182 and Travis were accepted his offer.
On February 2005, Blink-182 disbanded. Mark and Travis made the band a stream not far different from Blink-182, with Shane Gallagher and Craig Fairbaugh. The band was named +44. Mark is married to Skye Everly on December 2, 2000. Mark has a son named Jack Hoppus born on August 5, 2002. Mark lives in Los Angels and in the studio recording the album +44.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Blink-182 is a pop punk band from the United States a trio consisting of Mark Hoppus, Tom DeLonge and Travis Barker. They have sold over 27 million copies of albums worldwide since forming in Poway, California in 1992. Together with their first drummer, Scott Raynor, Blink-182 released their debut album, Cheshire Cat, in 1994 and get a successful medium to the next album, Dude Ranch, in 1997. Dude Ranch recorded to date has sold over one million copies. Scott Raynor was replaced by Travis Barker in mid tour in 1998.
Blink-182 have greater success in 1999 with the multi-platinum selling album Enema of the State, which hit a 9 on the Billboard 200 chart thanks to the single "What's My Age Again" and "All the Small Things". Blink-182 quickly gained popularity for their sense of irreverent humor. Their next album, Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, in 2001 made it to position 1 in the United States, Canada, and Germany. Their fifth album, Blink-182 released in 2003 and is the point of changing the style of Blink-182, by mixing elements of pop punk and experimental sounds that produce their distinctive sound that sounds more mature.
Tom DeLonge left Blink-182 in early 2005, making the status of Blink-182 are in the vacuum. After that, DeLonge formed Angels & Airwaves band while Hoppus and Barker formed the band +44. Post-vacuum +44, Hoppus and Barker then started doing solo-career.
Blink-182 reunited in February 2009. Their sixth album, neighborhoods, was released on 27 September 2011.
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